Contact Name: |
Company Name: |
Address: |
Email Address: |
Telephone No: |
Number of Guests: |
Single or Double Occupancy?: |
Preferred date(s) of travel: |
Are these dates flexible?: |
Duration: |
Region (Round trip UK, Mediterranean, Etc) : |
Are you looking for total exclusivity?: |
Budget: |
Does this include air travel? : |
To help us find the right ship for you, please answer the following questions regarding the participants. |
Past destinations: |
Properties used: |
Have you cruised before?: |
If yes, which company and name of the ship? : |
Age range?: |
Expectations: |
Good onboard entertainment
Various dining options
Private dining functions
Private cocktail parties
Different ports each day
Cultural Shore Excursions
Beach Activities
Will the participants be: |
What type of industry best describes the participants: |
Any meeting requirements? : |
If yes please provide details: |
Have you approached any cruise lines for a proposal?: |
If yes, please provide details: |
Any additional information you can provide about the group that would help us find the most suitable ship
for your requirements?: |